Thursday, October 9, 2008

Masquerade Wedding and New Pics

On Saturday I am going to a Masquerade Wedding. The rules are masks only, no costumes. Unfortunately I just learned of the wedding less than a week ago, so I don't have a lot of time to prepare. I don't have a mask yet. That is one of my tasks for tomorrow. I am going with my friend David. I'll make sure we take pictures to share. It should be interesting.

Here are two new patterns I posted tonight. The first is a beaded cuff bracelet with a pattern inspired by historical Greek designs. I made this bracelet when I was recovering from my surgery that I mentioned in my last post. At first I couldn't sit up for very long. So this bracelet was almost entirely beaded with me lying on my back and my head propped up on pillows. It is a elegant yet easy pattern.

Here is the link to purchase this pattern:

The second is an interpretation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A great way to show your faith or your funkiness. A very popular symbol with Catholics and tattoo enthusiasts. Here is a great site to read about the history of the Sacred Heart:

Here is the link to purchase this pattern:

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